Fit For ALL
Time on your side
In this time pressed society we live in, it is important to maximise opportunities to train. In an ideal world I’m sure most of us would be out riding daily for hours on end chasing some Strava PR’s and enjoying the thrill of freedom on two wheels. But instead there are often many other duties to fulfil making our time on the road somewhat limited. So what can we do off the bike to keep improving when time is of the essence?
One great way to optimise time out of the saddle is to complete short but regular resistance training sessions. With the many benefits of resistance training including: increasing bone density, prevention of injuries, muscle conditioning, and strengthening posture and core just to name a few, it’s hard to go past including it in your weekly routine. The benefits have great carry-over to cycling when the exercises chosen match target muscle groups and energy systems.
Here are a select few exercises that get good bang for your buck. Complete them in this order in just 30 minutes inside your own home:
1. Tabata squat/hold
Classification: lower body conditioning
Tabata’s have been popularised in many fitness routines over the last 5+ years and are a brilliant way to intensify training in just 4 minutes, and can be used for an integrated warm up. This particular Tabata routine is suited to cycling given its lower body endurance requirements. Perform simple body weight squats for 20 seconds, then immediately hold the bottom of the squat for 10 seconds, repeat for 8 times.
20seconds bodyweight squats
10 seconds squat hold
x 8 (4 minutes)

* Advanced version try holding some dumbbells, or carrying a weighted backpack
** The Gymboss app is a great tool to keep timing and number of sets
2. Push ups (slow eccentric) with hand release
Classification: upper body strength
Upper body strength is crucial for controlling the bike particularly when out of the saddle. This exercise adds a different dimension to a regular push up by adding a core strength element as well as an upper back activation. From a push up position, lower whole body to the ground slowly (5 seconds) keeping good form and core heavily engaged. As the whole body touches the ground release hands and at the same time squeeze shoulder blades together and pause for 1 second. Then place hands back on the ground and push body back up to the start position again with core heavily engaged making sure there is no dip in the body.
2-3 sets of 8-10 repetitions

* Advanced version is to do the same exercise but with one leg elevated
3. Single leg squats
Classification: leg strength
We all tend to have one dominant leg, just as we tend to have one dominant hand. This leads to tight muscles and a postural imbalance that may cause injuries over time and hinder cycling performance. One way to help even up this imbalance is to complete unilateral exercises (one side at a time). Single leg squats really hit the nail on the head and is quick to reveal our stronger and preferred leg. Start balancing on one leg, arms out the front, and elevate the leg lifted to behind the body. Lower slowly whilst maintaining form of balance, chest up, hips horizontal (a mirror will help you see this), knee alignment, and grounded heel flat on the floor. Work down to a depth that enables return back to the starting position whilst maintaining lowering form. The deeper the better, but good form is a must.
2-3 sets of 8 each leg

* Advanced version is the exact same movement but the raised leg is elevated in front of the body (also known as a pistol squat)
4. Prisoner Squat Jumps
Classification: lower body power & conditioning
Developing leg power is essential to holding front position in a peloton, to keep from being dropped, or a sprint to the line. This exercise takes the upper body out of the equation to make sure all power is developed through the legs. Standing upright, place interlaced hands behind the head and prepare to squat. From here lower the body down quickly and immediately jump straight up with a maximum effort. Repeat non-stop for 10 repetitions with the goal of jumping as high as possible each time.
5 sets of 10 repetitions

* Advanced version hold a weight plate or weighted back pack across the chest or increase to 15 jumps
5. Single leg burpees
Classification: lower body conditioning
Given cycling is ultimately a single leg repetitive motion, single leg burpees suit perfectly to help condition one leg at a time. This variation of the classic burpee will load up the legs and core a little more and definitely raise the intensity with the whole movement. From single leg standing, lower down to a deep squat position with hands on the floor and one leg lifted. Hop the standing foot back to a make a push up position with core engaged. Hop back to the squat position and then maximum hop straight up on the same leg. Repeat for 30 seconds on each leg.
30 seconds of repetitions on left foot
30 seconds of repetitions on right foot
Rest 1min
Repeat 5 times

* Advanced version you could add dumbbells in your hands
6.Extended inchworms
Classification: flexibility & core strength
Hamstring flexibility is a must for efficiency on the bike. It will allow the pelvis to sit comfortably on a seat and the lumbar spine to adapt to the seated position for many hours. Extended inchworms build in this flexibility element as well as challenging the core. Start by bending the torso down and reaching the hands for the floor. Try to keep knees locked as much as possible. Walk hands forwards extending as far as possible so that the body is hovering just above the ground. Hold this position for 10 seconds before walking hands back to toes and then standing tall.
2-3 sets of 10 repetitions

* Advanced version can be completed on one leg
Use your time off the bike wisely with just two short resistance training sessions per week and reap the rewards the moment you get back on two wheels. Time will be on your side.
*Published in the Autumn 2017 edition of Ride On Magazine