I’m now just over two weeks post-surgery and seem to be coming along well. Each day I’m noticing little improvements in my range of movement but the knee itself is still holding a lot of fluid. My first visit back to my surgeon involved him removing two syringes-worth of fluid. This is not ideal and could be a sign of me overdoing it a little.
In my enthusiasm to rebuild my quad strength and get back to doing exercise activities as quickly as I can it is rather easy to overdo it. Knowing exactly how much is too little or too much is very difficult to ascertain and I’m sure is different for each person. There doesn’t seem to be an exact method or set of guidelines for this so it is all a learning curve for me. I have now backed off my rehab exercises for a few days to inhibit more swelling, and I have increased my RICE frequency to four times per day. Hopefully this makes a difference for the next time I visit the surgeon.
Today was the second day of having Platelet Rich Plasma injections (PRP) with one more remaining. These injections involve drawing approximately 30-35ml of blood out from my arm and placing it in a centrifuge to separate the plasma from the red blood cells. That plasma, approximately 5ml, is then injected straight into my knee joint. The plasma which is rich in platelets (yellow colour), contain proteins that have a fundamental role in tissue healing. The reason for my injections is to help regenerate a hole in my cartilage that had developed at the back of my patella (knee cap). I know it all sounds a bit Steven Dank-ish so I did put forward my concerns of ‘is this really necessary?’. However, my surgeon was quick to explain the benefits of the procedure and his high level of success in his patients reminding me how successful the Western Bulldogs were this year in the AFL. Who am I to argue?
Now that I’m back at work you may walk past the studio and see me lying on the floor with my feet elevated up the wall in between client visits. Don’t be alarmed, I’m not sunbaking under the skylight, I’m just using the old gravity method of decreasing inflammation.