Just days away from surgery now and the nerves are starting to rise. Having had many discussions with friends, family and clients over the last couple of weeks has certainly put me at ease. Thankfully they haven’t told me any horror stories, just focused on how good I’m going to feel once I recover. It has prompted me to think about how lucky we are that anaesthetic was invented. I really don’t want to feel or see what the surgeon is doing to my knee during surgery! In fact I’ve stayed right away from even looking on YouTube, it’s just best I enjoy the anaesthetic and put my trust in the people doing their job.
I had my final physiotherapy session this week and have prepared my body as best I can prior to surgery. For the last 10 weeks I have been strengthening and stretching muscles that have a relationship with my knee, guided by my amazing physiotherapist. Daily exercises have focused on my calves and glutes considerably so that I can be one step ahead post-surgery. One muscle in particular we have been working hard on activating and strengthening is the little-known hip stabilizer quadratus femoris (see below). This muscle sits at the bottom of the glutes and from years of carrying knee pain it has become lazy and weak. Calf raises have also been a daily staple to my exercise regime and I’m now proud to say that I have visible calf muscles!

This week is a light taper week with my exercise routine as we need minimal inflammation in the knee for surgery. My final day of exercise will be on Saturday at the Cadel Evans people’s ride, a 111km cycling event (not really classed as light exercise but it is non-impact and a bit kinder on my knee). This is an event I have been training towards as it’s going to be the last time on my bike for a few weeks at least (how will I cope??). After that, I will be icing and resting until checking into the hospital on Tuesday.
I’m very hopeful all this preparation has put me in good stead for a speedy recovery. Fingers crossed.